The Midlands Area Consortium for the Homeless (known as ‘MACH') was formed in the early 1990’s as a grassroots organization to advocate for funding to address homelessness. Through collaboration, MACH has grown to include over 50 partner members throughout 13 counties in the Midlands. For more than 20 years, MACH has been helping individuals obtain stable housing and employment and education necessary to become self-sufficient.

Members and Leadership Information
MACH 2025 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Endorsement Eligibility Checklist
ESG Information: S.C. Office of Economic Opportunity
On March 7, 2025, the Office of Economic Opportunity released the 2025 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Emergency Solutions Grant. To review the NOFA please visit the OEO's NOFA Page HERE.
There is a Virtual Applicant Conference on March 13, 2025 at 10am - more information here.
In order to be endorsed applicants must:​
Have 2025 MACH Membership
Attended at least one MACH meeting in the last six months or otherwise demonstrate being an active member of the CoC planning process
Participate in HMIS (unless serving domestic violence survivors)
Participate in Coordinated Entry
If your agency does not meet the requirements, you will not be eligible for ESG certification. Please reach out to Brandi Ross, BRoss@uway.org to learn how to become more involved with MACH.
The form will ask for the following information:
Name of agency
Contact name, phone, and email
Geographic area served
If you need certification from City of Columbia (UWM processes City of Columbia requests for certification – DO NOT contact the City of Columbia separately)
Numbers to be served
A brief description of what ESG will support
A brief description of your involvement with CoC and how the program aligns with CoC priorities
Budget according to OEO’s eligible categories (example – street outreach, homeless prevention, emergency shelter)
Source of match and match amount
Due to the quick turnaround for ESG applications, the due date for the requests is strict, please submit your completed Cognito form by April 3, 2025, at 5PM. Note you will not have access to the form past this due date.
You will receive your response letters on April 17, 2025.